Author: Stanislao Melchiorri

Collection of Works: Annales Minorum

Tom. XXV. (1612-1622).

Place of Publication: Quaracchi

Publication Date: 1934

Pages: XXIII-707

ISBN 978-88-7013-250-2
Catalogue Code Number: E125
Price: € 42,00

About the Author

Stanislao Melchiorri O.F.M. (1791-1871)

Italian Franciscan scholar from the Province of the Marches, he continued the Annales of Luke Wadding, publishing five volumes covering the years 1575-1622.

About the Collection

Annales Minorum 1931-1964. In 4°.

The most important historiographical project of the Order in the 17th century, Irish Friar Luke Wadding completed his Franciscan history up to 1540, a monumental work which was continued by other authors to reach the year 1680.