Originally from England, he studied at Paris and began teaching there early in the second decade of the 13th century, introducing the Sentences of Peter Lombard as a fundamental reference...
Originally from a noble Tuscan family, the Albizeschi, he joined the Friars Minor in 1403. A tireless preacher, he promoted devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus, and wrote on...
A native of Sérignan in southern France, he joined the Friars Minor in 1259, and was a student of theology at Paris (1267-72), later lecturing in the south of France...
From a prominent family of Umbria, he entered the Friars Minor likely at Todi. He studied at Paris and taught there and at Bologna. Named lector of theology in the...
An English friar, philosopher and theologian, he studied in Paris along with Matthew of Acquasparta under John Pecham about 1270. Master of theology at Oxford, he composed Disputed Questions and...
From Lugo in Galicia, he entered the Friars Minor and taught at Paris, becoming regent master there (1302-03), Minister Provincial of Santiago de Compostela and Minister General (1304). He encouraged...