Author: Guillelmus Alnwick

Collection of Works: Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica Medii Aevi

Tom. X. - Fr. Guillelmi Alnwick Quaestiones disputatae de esse intelligibili et de Quodlibet, ed. A. Ledoux

Place of Publication: Quaracchi

Publication Date: 1937

Pages: LX-644.

ISBN 978-88-7013-043-0
Catalogue Code Number: B10
Out of Print

About the Author

William of Alnwick (ca. 1275-1333)

From a small town in Northumberland, this English friar served as secretary to John Duns Scotus, with whom he collaborated, and whose thought his own writings (Disputed Questions) help to clarify. Lecturing at Paris in 1303, he also taught in Bologna and Naples, and was Franciscan Regent-Master at Oxford in the 1320s. He was named Bishop of Giovinazzo in Apulia shortly before his death.

About the Collection

Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica Medii Aevi, 1957 et seqq. In 8° mai.

This collection offers critical editions of a wide range of Franciscan medieval scholastic texts from such authors as Alexander of Hales, Bonaventure, John Pecham, Peter of John Olivi, Matthew of Aquasparta, Roger Marston, and William of Middleton.