Fr. Benedikt Mertens, General Editor, reviews original manuscript.
Since 1908, this scholarly peer-reviewed journal of the Quaracchi Editors has been a major reference tool for scholars interested in Franciscan history.
It contains articles written in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish with priority given to the presentation/edition of previously unpublished sources.
Articles are normally published in one of the two following sections: Discussiones et documenta, for larger articles of more general interest, and Miscellanea, for shorter contributions of eventually more regional or local interest. Roughly each second year, at least one issue may contain a thematic dossier for which the Editorial Board determines the topic and invites potential contributors.
Each issue is completed by the sections Summaria (abstracts), Recensiones, Notae bibliographicae and Libri ad nos missi. In addition, the second issue of each volume contains an analytical index as well as a list of addresses of all contributors.
Subscription for AFH 2024 (two issues):
Italy: 55,00 € (free shipping included)
All other countries: 70,00 € (free shipping included)
Subscriptions have to be renewed each year. For ordering of back copies, including the two general indices (years 1-50 and 51-100), shipping costs may apply.
Requests for subscription should be addressed to:
Fondazione Collegio S. Bonaventura
Frati Editori di Quaracchi
Via S. Maria Mediatrice, 25
00165 Roma, Italia
Tel/Fax: (+39) 06.68491286 Tel: (+39) 06.68491287
Nota bene: Subscriptions processed with this supplier are available only by mail-order. Pre-Payment is required for clients from outside of Italy.
For payments of single issues via credit card, please contact:
Libreria Internazionale Francescana, Assisi
Tel: (+39) 075 8051503; (+39) 075 8051513
Purchase of digital AFH copies (starting with the second issue of 2013):
Per issue: 20,00€
Per article: 5,00€/4,00€
(the website is entirely in Italian)
* Select an issue to download table of contents.
The Editors of the AFH accept new and unpublished works that concern the Franciscan Family from the beginnings to World War I (ca. 1206-1918): Friars Minor, Poor Clares, Conceptionists, Annunciades, Third Order, that is, general and regional history, friaries and monasteries, missions, legislation, institutions, liturgy, doctrine, personalities, authors, art, music, etc.
Unpublished sources (letters, sermons, statutes, bulls, chronicles, biographical accounts, acts of chapters, necrologies, library catalogues…) should be transcribed and quoted in their original language, possibly in an appendix. Black and white photos may eventually be inserted in the text or as an appendix, if their presence is judged justified and their quality sufficient. It is up to the author to previously inquire copyright issues and to cover any concomitant costs.
Articles, apart from exceptions, must not exceed a maximum of 40 pp. (2600 characters/page, blank spaces and footnotes included) or 60 pp. (in case of transcriptions of longer unpublished sources) for Discussiones et Documenta, or 18 pp. for Miscellanea. Each article has to be sent to the Editors (at in Word via e-mail attachment. An AFH style-sheet can be obtained from the Editors.
Each article proposal is first examined by the Editors (either the director or a member of the editorial board) and, if publication is not outrightly excluded, will then undergo a single-blind peer-review by an external reviewer who will be chosen for his or her expertise in the area of the contribution. The reviewer will be sent the article as well as a ‘Peer-Review Report’ form to be sent back within three weeks. Based on the verdict of both the peer-review and the Editor, the author will be informed and eventually asked to revise his text according to the instructions that will be given to him. Final approval can take place only once the sufficiently revised text is submitted.
Along with the final text version, an abstract of not more than 750 characters (incl. blank spaces) has to be submitted. In the case of an article written in English, the abstract is to be sent in Italian, and in all other cases, in English.
Please, count with a period of ca. 6-12 months between initial submission and the publication of the contribution.
Authors of AFH articles receive the pdf version of their contribution, as well as ten offprints and a hard copy of the full issue in which the article has been published. It is strictly forbidden to post the pdf version of any published AFH article on any private or institutional website (since the sale of digital versions of both AFH articles and full issues is provided). AFH articles may not be included in any other publication (e.g. as book chapters) unless formal permission has been asked and granted. Infringements of these policies disqualify the author from future collaboration with the journal.
Recensiones and Notae bibliographicae are produced only on the basis of review copies which publishers have sent to the Editors. Books which had not been asked for by the Editors, may or may not be reviewed; they are not sent back to the publishers in case that they will not be reviewed. Articles on relevant topics published in scientific journals might be reviewed among the shorter Notae bibliographicae. For reviews not written by Collegium S. Bonaventurae at St Isidore’s, the Editors will contact external book reviewers and determine with them the shape of their review.
Editors of Archivum Franciscanum Historicum
Collegio S. Isidoro
Via degli Artisti 41
00187 Roma
Tel: (0039) 3201537073
AFH is indexed in: Bibliografia Generale della Lingua e della Letteratura Italiana; Bibliographia Franciscana; Bibliographie Annuelle du Moyen Âge tardif; Dialnet; Index Religiosus; Index Theologicus; International Medieval Bibliography; Medieval Philosophy Digital Sources; Medioevo Latino; Mirabile - Digital Archives for Medieval Culture; MLA - Modern Language Association Database; Periodicals Index Online.
AFH is recognized by ANVUR as scientific journal in Area “10-Scienze dell’antichità, filologiche-letterarie e storico-artistiche” and in Area “11-Scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche e psicologiche” as well as by ERIH Plus in the disciplines “History, Religious Studies and Theology”.