Authors: Iordanus a Iano, Thomas de Eccleston

Collection of Works: Analecta Franciscana

Tom. I. - Chronica fr. Iordani a Iano, Ord. Fratrum Minorum. Liber de adventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam fr. Thomae de Eccleston…

Place of Publication: Quaracchi

Publication Date: 1885

Pages: XX-452.

ISBN 000-00-0000-000-0
Catalogue Code Number: E1
Out of Print

About the Author

Jordan of Giano (ca. 1195- post-1262)

An Umbrian native from the Valley of Spoleto, he entered the Friars Minor ca. 1220, travelling to Germany (1221), where he was ordained to the priesthood, serving as guardian at Mainz and custodian of Thuringia (1225). His Chronicle recounts events concerning the first friars in Germany.

Thomas of Eccleston (1195 ca. - after 1262)

English friar who entered the Order in 1232 ca., whose chronicle documents the first settlements of Franciscans in England from their arrival in 1224 until 1258.

About the Collection

Analecta Franciscana sive chronica aliaque varia documenta ad historiam Fratrum Minorum spectantia edita a PP. Collegii S. Bonaventurae adiuvantibus aliis eruditis vi- ris, 1885-1983. In 4°.

This major series assembles a variety of documents and studies which help to reconstruct Franciscan history throughout the ages. The volumes include editions of hagiographical texts, chronicles, necrologies, constitutions, business acts of the officials of the Order, processes of canonization, as well as monographic studies on various subjects.