Author: Guillelmus de Melitona

Collection of Works: Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica Medii Aevi

Tom. XXII. - Magistri Guillelmi de Militona Quaestiones de Sacramentis, ed. C. Piana et G. Gál

Place of Publication: Quaracchi

Publication Date: 1961

Pages: 34*/ 1-506

ISBN 978-88-7013-053-9 a.
Catalogue Code Number: B22.
Price: € 23,00

About the Author

William of Middleton (? - ca. 1257/60)

A student of Alexander of Hales, from Middleton (Milton), this English friar was a prolific commentator on both Old and New Testaments at Paris, Regent Master there (1248-53) and at Cambridge (1253-56) before returning to Paris, where he died. He contributed to the Summa Halensis, and has left us a commentary on the Sentences, Questions on the sacraments and other topics, sermons and an influential work on the celebration of the Mass.

About the Collection

Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica Medii Aevi, 1957 et seqq. In 8° mai.

This collection offers critical editions of a wide range of Franciscan medieval scholastic texts from such authors as Alexander of Hales, Bonaventure, John Pecham, Peter of John Olivi, Matthew of Aquasparta, Roger Marston, and William of Middleton.

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