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PurchaseA native of England, from Patcham (Sussex), he joined the Friars Minor around 1250 and studied under Bonaventure at Paris. Regent master there (1269-71) and at Oxford (1271-74), later Minister Provincial of England and Archbishop of Canterbury. His works from the secular-mendicant controversy at Paris survive, as well as works on scientific subjects (astronomy, optics), Disputed Questions, and Quodlibetal Questions.
Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica Medii Aevi, 1957 et seqq. In 8° mai.
This collection offers critical editions of a wide range of Franciscan medieval scholastic texts from such authors as Alexander of Hales, Bonaventure, John Pecham, Peter of John Olivi, Matthew of Aquasparta, Roger Marston, and William of Middleton.
The International Franciscan Bookshop/Libreria Internazionale Francescana (LIF) is our bookstore partner for distributing Quaracchi Editions; it is located at the Basilica of the Portiuncula, Santa Maria degli Angeli (Assisi). It is owned and operated by the Seraphic Province of the Order of Friars Minor. It stocks many, but not all of our Quaracchi publications. If a volume is not listed there, then the customer must order it directly from Quaracchi Editors.