Author: Franciscus de Marchia

Collection of Works: Spicilegium Bonaventurianum

Tom. XXX. - Francisci de Marchia sive de Esculo Sententia et compilatio super libros physicorum Aristotelis, ed. N. Mariani

Place of Publication: Grottaferrata

Publication Date: 1998

Pages: 507

ISBN 978-88-7013-173-4
Catalogue Code Number: D30
Price: € 65,00

About the Author

Francis of Marchia (ca. 1290- post-1344)

A friar of Appignano in the Marches region of Italy, he probably studied at Paris ca. 1310, returning to lecture on the Sentences in Paris in 1319-20. Teaching at Avignon (1324-28), he supported the Minister General, Michael of Cesena, in his dispute with John XXII on Franciscan poverty, he went to Pisa, and to Munich (1330); tried by the Inquisition, he recanted and was reconciled in 1343. We have his Improbatio against John XXII, a commentary on the Sentences and on the Metaphysics of Aristotle.

About the Collection

Spicilegium Bonaventurianum, 1963 seqq. In 8° mai.

A variety of scholarly research: archival research into aspects of Assisi's city life and 15th/16th c. Italian universities; works on Franciscan manuscripts in Naples and Troyes; editions of works by scholastic authors Francis of the Marches, Nicholas of Ockham, Peter Lombard, William of Auxerre; critical editions of spiritual and writings of Francis of Assisi (also in Italian and Spanish translation), Angela of Foligno, Hugh of Digne, and Rudolf of Biberach.