Authors: Anastase Van den Wyngaert, Georges Mensaert

Collection of Works: Sinica Franciscana

Vol. V. - Relationes et Epistolas Illmi D. Fr. Bernardini Della Chiesa collegerunt et ad fidem codicum redegerunt et adnotaverunt PP. A Van den Wyngaert et G. Mensaert.

Place of Publication: Rome

Publication Date: 1954

Pages: LXIII-895.

ISBN 978-88-7013-269-4
Catalogue Code Number: S5
Price: € 29,00

About the Author

Anastase Van den Wyngaert O.F.M. (1884-1954)

Belgian Franciscan chronicler of missionary activities in China, collaborator for the publication of Sinica Franciscana.

Georges Mensaert O.F.M. (1909-1970)

Flemish Franciscan missiologist, with a special interest in China.

About the Collection

Sinica Franciscana Collectio documentorum ad historiam Fratrum Minorum in Sinis spectantia, 1929 et seqq. In 8° mai.

The classic documentation of the Order’s involvement with China, containing medieval travel accounts as well as the correspondence of Franciscan missionaries to China in the early modern period.