A project of the Friar Editors, often divided among several members of the team. who are sometimes identified separately in various sections of the volume....
Italian Franciscan historical researcher and Minister of the Province of Bologna....
Franciscan historian of Luxembourgish origin from Lorraine, from 1950-1989 a member of the Collegio S. Bonaventura at Quarrachi and Grottaferrata, and long-time editor-in-chief of Archivum Franciscanum Historicum (1961-1989)....
Contemporary Franciscan historian from Northern Italy, and member of the Collegio S. Bonaventura at Grottaferrata. Author of numerous historical studies, he is also the editor of the Indices (1958-2007) marking...
Bolivian Franciscan author, with a special interest in the Franciscan missionary colleges of Latin America....
Contemporary Italian Franciscan historian, specializing in the modern and contemporary periods....